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Sleep Deprivation: The cost

Two nights ago I woke up at 1:30 a.m. and did not fall back to sleep until 3:30 a.m. The room was too hot to sleep comfortably and I was awakened by a night sweat. I got up and cooled the room, but before I could fall back to sleep I was experiencing painful flushing caused by the niacin I take. Yikes! Today I am struggling with staying awake and trying to be productive.

According to surveys done between 1999 and 2004 by the National Sleep Foundation, 60% of adults report having difficulties sleeping a few nights a week. According to WebMD, some of the consequences of sleep deprivation can be:

For many of us, irritability, poor decision making and decreased performance are the main problems. Yep, I have now started this article for the second time…my first try did not save properly.

According to sleep researchers, cognitive behavioral therapy can be as or more effective than the use of popular medications to solve sleep issues. Some of the recommendations for improved sleep include this list from the APA web site:

  • Keep a regular sleep/wake schedule
  • Don’t drink or eat caffeine four to six hours before bed and minimize daytime use
  • Don’t smoke, especially near bedtime or if you awake in the night
  • Avoid alcohol and heavy meals before sleep
  • Get regular exercise
  • Minimize noise, light and excessive hot and cold temperatures where you sleep
  • Develop a regular bed time and go to bed at the same time each night
  • Try and wake up without an alarm clock
  • Attempt to go to bed earlier every night for certain period; this will ensure that you’re getting enough sleep

I will definitely be heading to bed early tonight. I already do many of the other recommendations and usually sleep pretty well. Maybe that is why I am so discombobulated when my sleep is disturbed.

How often is sleep deprivation a problem for you? Has it become chronic insomnia? What do you do about it? How can we prevent this epidemic of sleep deprivation from undermining our lives?

Please share your experiences, your comments, your yawns 😉 below.

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